WW2 evacuation
This scheme of work is intended for Year 7 and 8 students. Using the stimulus of the theme of evacuation in World War II, it aims to introduce techniques to explore and develop character skills, polished improvisation and simple staging with an audience of peers in mind. It links well with the requirements of the history syllabus (‘knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past’), PSHE (‘developing good relationships and respecting differences’) and the drama elements in English which include:
‘…developing drama techniques to explore in role a variety of situations and texts; responding to stimuli; working collaboratively to devise and present scripted and unscripted pieces, which maintain the attention of an audience; extending spoken repertoire by experimenting with language in different roles and dramatic contexts; developing drama techniques and strategies for anticipating, visualising and problem solving in different learning contexts, and reflecting on and evaluating their own presentations and those of others.’
Number of lessons: 10