Professional Practice: Skills development
This unit can be run for a term and entered in January or run throughout the year and entered in May. Students can choose either a performance or a production pathway to work on three pieces of repertoire, e.g. a monologue, a duologue and an ensemble piece for drama. Two of these will be works in progress and one will be complete and performed in front of a live audience. Students nominate several skills which they want to develop while working on their chosen repertoire and they must take on lead and supporting roles. Production students must demonstrate ‘projects of mounting complexity with increasing independence’ (OCR specification). In both pathways, students will learn how to work with others and ‘adopt methods that are consistent with the health and safety of all concerned’ (OCR specification).
Evidence includes:
- Portfolio containing a Skills Development Plan
- Working log
- Observation report by either the teacher or an appropriately skilled observer on how the repertoire shows the skills development
- Student commentary on how the three pieces show their skills development and DVD evidence of the rehearsals and performances
Number of lessons: 10