Noughts and crosses
This scheme consists of a series of six lessons based on the play Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman and Dominic Cooke, in order for students to explore prejudice, racism, and discrimination. The aim of the scheme is to allow students, through practical exploration, to gain a greater understanding of how prejudice can affect individuals and groups of people within a society. This scheme of work can be used as a mock unit 2 for the new GCSE 2009 specification with Edexcel and would also be ideal for year 9. There is a documentary response guide that accompanies this scheme.
Learning objectives:
To develop the students’ practical understanding of:
- Exploring characters’ empathy and the sub-texts they bring with them
- Continuing to examine dramatic form and techniques
- Exploring how to create non-verbal sign systems and dramatic texts
- Asking questions of the wider world through the specifics of this drama.
Questions to be explored:
- How can prejudice affect a person/group of people?
- What can be done to educate people to not judge and discriminate but to celebrate our differences?
Number of lessons: 6