Loss of life
This scheme of work is designed to be used with the Edexcel GCSE and is a good scheme of work to prepare the students for the Unit 1 exam; alternatively it can be easily adapted to be used for the exam itself.
The scheme covers explorative strategies, drama mediums and elements of drama, and encourages students to explore various ideas before developing a piece of theatre.
Learning objectives
By the end of the mock exam students will be able to:
- Discuss the dramatic potential of the theme, loss of life, with confidence
- Use strategies, elements and mediums to explore the theme of loss of life in a creative way Record their understanding of strategies, elements and mediums by completing notes
- Organise rehearsal time and collaborate with others in a mature and focused manner
- Discuss ideas within their group, showing a creative and imaginative facility
- Recognise strengths and weaknesses in their own and others’ work
- Evaluate the workshop using technical terminology.
Key skills
ff Literacy: Written notes and reading tasks are included in the programme
of study. Teacher is to use technical terminology throughout, encouraging
students to do the same.
ffCitizenship: Students must work within a group, whole class and group
discussions, peer and self-evaluation. They are looking at the theme of loss of
life, which should lead to some interesting conversations about death and its
impact on society.
ffDifferentiation: Differentiation is mainly through outcome. Many tasks
are open-ended allowing students to work at their own pace and use
whatever skills they deem necessary; this allows for further differentiation.
Differentiation is also through grouping – some of the groups will be mixedability
based. This should be carefully planned to allow for a good balance.