Blood Brothers – Rhinegold Publishing

Blood Brothers


Blood Brothers is a very popular text at KS4, studied both in English and drama at most schools. It is one of those texts that appeals to all students through the excellent storytelling of Willy Russell and the undeniably appealing characters.

In the BTEC Performing Arts module C9: Acting, students get the chance to take on the challenge of becoming real actors. Focusing on the audition process, students are led through the process of taking the written word from page to stage. Using a text that is accessible and appealing really helps students to focus on the mechanics and processes of acting rather than the text itself.

The compulsory assignment brief for this module should be used to set your own deadlines, lead your students through the tasks and assignments, and eventually to assess their own work. Task 1, covering criteria 1 and 3 on the assignment, is not included in the scheme of work as it is an ongoing task focusing on the development of vocal and physical skills which most teachers choose to teach and reassess throughout the two year course.

On completion of this scheme of work, learners should be able to:

  • Use their vocal skills in performance
  • Use their movement skills in performance 
  • Interpret and develop different characters 
  • Perform in an acting role

Learning objectives:

  • To start to initially explore the text and characters of Blood Brothers and the processes of undertaking a text for audition
  • To further explore the key characters and relationships in Blood Brothers using dramatic techniques such as sociograms, motivations and vocal and physical skills
  • To finish reading and exploring the key character relationships and plot developments in Blood Brothers
  • To explore the themes of Blood Brothers and how they impact on characterisation and physicalisation of the characters
  • To analyse and effectively use the actions, movements and gestures of a young child 
  • To apply their analysis of movement and voice to a scripted extract and start to note down what to do for their audition piece
  • To recap or to know and understand who Stanislavski is and how he influenced work on characters
  • To use Stanislavskian techniques in order to develop your characterisation of Mickey and Eddie as children
  • To block, develop and rehearse their extract for audition, giving and receiving feedback and using this to develop their character and piece
  • To use the criteria to self-mark and set formative targets for themselves for next module
  • That they know their own marks for BTEC C9: Acting and can self-assess and target set for the whole module using the criteria given

    Number of lessons: 21

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