Soap operas
This scheme of work concentrates on the genre of soaps and it is intended to be delivered to a Year 9 class. It explores the use of freeze frame, cliffhanger, movement, voice, space, levels, script and script scoring. The overall objective is for students to explore and share social and current issues through drama; to understand and apply the genre of soap, as well as learn and use drama skills. This scheme is built around the KS3 drama objectives.
Learning objectives
By the end of this scheme students will have learnt:
- To know and understand the soap genre
- To explore current and social issues through drama and the genre of soap
- To demonstrate an understanding of the characters, the events and the issues explored
- To recognise and use drama strategies employed in soaps
- To understand and demonstrate how to develop own and others’ work
- To assess own work and work of others
- To perform an original scripted soap episode.