Introduction to Elizabethan Theatre
This is a scheme of work that we use with our Year 7s when looking at the Elizabethan stage. It also serves as a good introduction to work on a variety of Shakespeare’s plays such as Macbeth, Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet. However, this is done in a practical context often focusing on themes, issues and characters rather than an in-depth study of any text. Everything that is done here is related to use of the thrust/apron stage that is synonymous with the Globe Theatre. Running a trip to Shakespeare’s Globe in London is a further way of exploring this with students. Visit their website at www.shakespeares-globe.org which gives great insight into this marvellous theatrical space. Essentially, Shakespeare is meant to be performed rather than read, and at this early stage it is important to promote awareness of this without putting students off.
Learning objectives:
- To learn and use basic types of stage fighting
- To begin to consider how conflict and resolution are a fundamental part of building a role‑play
- To be introduced to the thrust/apron stage
- To consider the use of space when performing understanding the use of blocking, sightlines and justification
- To promote awareness of how conflict arises in most dramatic/social situations and how they can be resolved
- To encourage social interaction and the ability to cope with arising situations in life
- To use sound and movement to develop the atmosphere and characters in a scene
- To develop understanding of the different ways in which text can be performed
- To work in a group developing a prepared improvisation based on discord
- To understand the term blocking and begin to consider proxemics
- To promote awareness of how conflict arises in most dramatic/social situations and how that can be resolved
- To take on the role of a character from Hamlet
- To promote awareness of how conflict arises in most dramatic/social situations and how that can be resolved
- To take on the role of a character within a devised role-play
- To use the technique of dramatic pause within a performance
Number of lessons: 8