On the streets
This scheme is aimed at Year 8 but can be adapted to older or younger students. It follows on from work on bullying, work on characterisation and Stanislavski-style monologues, and lessons on status, subtext and emotional levels in performance.
Learning objectives:
To explore the following key areas and concepts:
- Causes of running away
- The experience of being a runaway and ‘on the streets’
- Consequences, flashbacks, thought-tracking, forum theatre, whole class improvisation (‘cardboard city’)
- Empathy, research, role play, issue-based drama
- To introduce the concept of runaways and the homeless
- To explore the reason they are on the streets, using the medium of hot-seating
- To explore the trigger behind the initial decision to run away
- To use the medium of the TV programme or documentary to present research and discoveries so far to the class
- To discover through empathy, thought-tracking and roleplay what happens during the first night away from home
- To explore the medium of forum theatre and to learn more about the possibility of return for the long-term runaway
- To use whole-class improvisation to find out about ‘cardboard city’
- To use song lyrics as a stimulus for drama
- To show their final devised pieces or films and for students to summarise their learning on this topic
Number of Lessons: 8