IB HL/SL: Rossini: Petite Messe Solennelle and Gershwin: An American in Paris
Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle and Gershwin’s An American in Paris are the two prescribed set works for IB HL and SL for examination in the May and November sessions in 2015 and 2016.
Knowledge and understanding of the set works is tested in Section A of Paper 1 (the listening paper). In this section, three questions are set, from which students have to answer question 3, comparing the two set works, and then choose from either question 1 or 2, which are on the respective individual works.
Students have clean scores of the set works with them in the examination. Each question carries 20 marks, so the set works account for 40 out of 140 total marks for the paper at HL and 40 out of 120 marks for SL.