Co-teachability at A level
You’re likely to be aware of this, but let’s be absolutely clear – the specifications are changing. Regardless of the board that you are delivering, national exam reform has led to a complete overhaul of the A level specifications for all subjects. There is, quite simply, no getting away from this fact.
The rapid pace of change means that teachers will have to be prepared for the challenge of teaching more than one specification at the same time. If you are lucky, then timetabling in your department could be organised in such a way that teachers can focus on just one Key Stage 4 and one Key Stage 5 course at a time. The more likely scenario, however, is that you will need to be comfortable delivering two GCSEs and two A levels at the same time.
This resource is designed to help you manage the demands of delivering multiple courses at the same time. It is divided into three main sections:
- Understanding the changes
- Planning for the changes
- Managing the delivery