A Taste of Honey by Shelagh Delaney
Unit 1 of the Edexcel A level specification requires students to explore practically, analyse and interpret two contrasting play texts alongside the study of a theatre practitioner. This scheme has been designed to fulfil the requirements for one of the texts and practitioners studied. Using Stanislavski’s theories, the activities within this scheme allow students to explore the narrative, themes, characters and relationships within Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey as well as investigating the SCHP context of the era and how the actions of the characters would have been viewed fifty years ago in contrast to a 21st-century attitude.
The scheme has been sectioned into tasks, each including a number of different activities. As the teacher, you know your students best and so it is important to adjust the scheme to the needs of your young people; more or less time may be needed on a particular section depending on previous experience and knowledge. This scheme also includes written tasks, which can be included in the student’s individual ‘Exploration Notes’.