Fame and Celebrity Culture – Rhinegold Publishing

Fame and Celebrity Culture


Many schemes on fame have been written in the past and it is probably one of those topics that moderators groan at when opening the big brown parcel of coursework, but when I heard Lily Allen’s song ‘The Fear’ I knew that a totally new and engaging spin could be placed upon this topic, reinvigorating it for a new generation! Fame itself, much like society, has changed in recent years, with instant fame and fame for no good reason, through reality TV becoming the norm.

A look at modern-day fame and celebrity culture with the stimulus piece of Lily Allen’s song, which itself is very up to date, will speak directly to the students in your class. Contrast it with ‘The Scream’ – a painting by Edward Munch. This will allow you to explore the wider implications of changing society and the future … was it ‘never like that in my day’, as your nan would say, or does each society have their own pressures? What are ours? Where do they come from? How will they change in the future?

Learning objectives:

  • To engage in a range of drama activities, effectively selecting and using key strategies, elements and mediums in order to explore the stimulus pieces and ideas of fame and pressure in modern-day life
  • To work collaboratively and creatively, communicating their ideas, both in their groups and in their performances to benefit their exploration and understanding
  • To understand the social and cultural connections between the stimulus pieces and to be able to communicate this in their response to the pieces and development of ideas in performance

Number of lessons: 6

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