Making drama from technology – Rhinegold Publishing

Making drama from technology


This scheme is about technology - not the technology that can be used in drama, but the ideas and experiences around technology that can be used to create and devise new drama. It focuses on some dangers that teenagers may encounter online, through social media and their devices, as well as some of the benefits of living in the digital age.

The final section is a round-up of related themes for technology-based idea drama not covered earlier. Each lesson suggests using forum theatre or docudrama as the vehicle to explore and present, but other styles are equally valid.

Learning objectives

  • To explore through drama issues, situations and dangers arising from use of technology
  • To develop a range of drama performance skills, strategies, elements and medium, particularly characters, to improve practical exam work
  • To stimulate creative thinking, problem-solving and team work through drama material
  • To develop further the habit of peer and self-assessment.

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