The evacuees – Rhinegold Publishing

The evacuees


This scheme is a series of lessons based on the experiences of the evacuated children and the people around them in England during the Second World War. It is hoped that students will gain a greater understanding of not only the facts of what happened, but to develop an understanding of what children and their families went through during the war. The module focuses on the key moments of how the Second World War affected the evacuated children and their families. It focuses on ideas of war, separation, isolation, and on a wider scale, how the war affected so many different people. At the end of the scheme students are required to complete a performance assessment. There is also the option for students to complete a written documentary response which can be assessed.

Learning objectives:

To develop the students’ practical understanding of:
  • Exploring characters’ empathy and the sub-texts they bring with them
  • Continuing to examine dramatic form and techniques
  • Exploring how to create non-verbal sign systems and dramatic texts
  • Asking questions of the wider world through the specifics of this drama: how does living through a war affect a person?
Students will:
  • Be introduced to significant objects and stimuli from wartime Britain and given opportunities to explore and question their response to the stimuli
  • Develop a short piece of drama with specific drama techniques to show what it would be like to be evacuated
  • Think about different points of view during the evacuations
  • Develop a response to stimuli in text form, and convert the text into a performance
  • Begin to explore the notion of discrimination by focusing on different points of view
  • Develop a response to stimuli in text form, and then convert the text into a performance
  • Continue thinking about what it would be like to be evacuated through exploring different points of view
  • Be able to select a significant object and justify reasons using layers of meaning
  • Put themselves in the shoes of the evacuated children through writing in role and understand that they all had different experiences
  • Use images as stimuli to create a performance
  • Use appropriate drama techniques to portray different experiences of the evacuated children
  • Be introduced to significant objects and stimuli from wartime Britain and given opportunities to explore and question their response to the stimuli
  • Explore different people’s points of view
  • Use appropriate drama techniques to show how important decisions have to be made
  • Use knowledge gained from the past lessons to explore the themes of the module
  • Work collaboratively, using past learning, to create a final performance piece for assessment

Number of lessons: 6

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